Arduino makefile for windows
Arduino makefile for windows

R=d:\lazarus\AVREmbedded BINUTILSPREFIX=avr-embedded- CROSSOPT="-O3 -XX -CX"

arduino makefile for windows

=embedded CPU_TARGET=avr SUBARCH=avr5 INSTALL_PREFIX=D:\Lazarus\Win32 CROSSBINDI Pc d:\lazarus\fpc C:\Windows\system32 C:\Windows C:\Windows\System32\Wbem C:\Wĭ:\Lazarus>make clean crossall crossinstall FPC=d:\lazarus\fpc\fpc.exe OS_TARGET Internal LED appears to be connected to pin 13 (PB5).ĭ:\Lazarus>SET PPCBIN=d:\lazarus\fpc\fpc.exeĭ:\Lazarus>SET INSTALL_PATH=D:\Lazarus\Win32ĭ:\Lazarus>SET PATH=d:\lazarus\fpc d:\lazarus\fpc d:\lazarus\fpc d:\lazarus\f To figure out what Arduino pin corresponds to what port, you can use pinout diagram from this post. You can just stick to procedural approach with advanced records. Classes don't seem to work either, currently compiler complains about something related to VMT.Floating-point emulation doesn't seem to work yet, so you should stick to integers and/or fixed-point math.However, since these are just friendly names for bits, you can use something like "1 shl 2" (for PA2, PB2, PC2, etc.) In RTL, bit flags like "PA0", "PB3" are not defined.The following are some limitations on AVR target: Meanwhile, you can just use code similar to AVR C tutorials. Currently, there is no higher-level framework, but PXL on GitHub is being ported. Note that attached example accesses port bits directly, similar to C/C++ AVR samples. If you have any problems with this, feel free to ask here.

arduino makefile for windows

If the operation is successful, the application should execute immediately and you should see internal LED blinking. Code: avrdude -v -patmega328p -carduino -P\\.\COM3 -b115200 -D -Uflash:w:Blinky.hex:i

Arduino makefile for windows