Doctors in training step 2 2013
Doctors in training step 2 2013

doctors in training step 2 2013

There will be a critical progression point at the end of the second year (IMY2) to ensure trainees have the required capabilities and are entrusted to ‘step up’ to the medical registrar role in IMY3.

doctors in training step 2 2013

IMY3 prepares trainees for the role of the medical registrar.

  • additional time in which to gain MRCP if needed.
  • a programme of assessment which is holistic and intuitive.
  • a curriculum based on a small number of high-level learning outcomes rather than a large number of granular competencies.
  • longer placements in IMY3 to provide more continuity in training.
  • a more structured programme with mandatory training in geriatric medicine, critical care and outpatients.
  • supported transition to the medical registrar role.
  • IMT is a three-year programme which replaced CMT in August 2019. Core Training Internal Medicine Training (IMT) programme

    Doctors in training step 2 2013